Creating Future of Design with Debayan Mukherjee


Listens: 147

Avantika Designeering Series


A crucial aspect of minimalism is finding the right balance between usability, inclusivity, and accessibility. Saying more with less while also keeping things meaningful and valuable for the customer is what most designers aim to achieve. For this, having a laser focus on the user's needs by understanding and empathizing with the user is vital. So how can designers create minimalistic yet integrated and impactful experiences?

To know more about this theme, in the 50th episode, we interact with Debayan Mukherjee, General Manager, UX Design at Samsung Electronics. With two decades of experience in design-centric roles, he holds expertise in user experience design, user interface design, and interaction design. Let's know more about his journey and experiences in the latest episode of the "Avantika Designeering Series Podcast,” “Creating Future of Design.” You can connect with Debayan on LinkedIn. Don't forget to subscribe to our show and share your comments on