'Connect with the Space within' Saloni Singh with Michael Neill


Listens: 126

Raising Parents 2.0

Kids & Family

Michael Neill joins Saloni Singh this week as they chat about the Peaceful space of 'Ananda' within. They explore about what stops us being in that blissful space often and how we can stay connected to that calm space within us. How to come back home to ourselves.

They also talk about the reasons we stress and worry, the world of our thoughts, thought created experiences and emotions. 

How our emotions tell us nothing about the world, rather they are an indicator of our own state of being.

There are fun discussions around emoto-phobia, being present and pathological meditation practices, parenting and more...

If you have any questions or comments for Saloni, please email to us at coach@salonisingh.com

About Michael Neill: He is an Internationally renowned Coach, thought leader, also known as Super Coach, and Best selling author of six books including SuperCoach and Creating the impossible.

Here's the link for Michael's book 'The Space within' and Ted Talks -




About Saloni: Dr Saloni Singh is a life, family & self-mastery coach, an author of the book, 'How to stop overthinking in 3 minutes'

She is a mom of 2 teens, Master NLP practitioner, Keynote Speaker and corporate trainer.

Find more about Saloni here: Http://www.salonisingh.com

Get free download of Saloni's handbook here for simple practical tools on

'How to stop overthinking in 3 minutes' -


Connect with her on Instagram here:


Get in touch with me for any life or parenting queries or for a conversation at coach@salonisingh.com 

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