? Concentration (S09E13) + Transcript


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IELTS Speaking for Success


Are you a focused person? What do you do to improve your concentration? How do you stay focused? When is it hard for you to concentrate? What may distract you? Tune in and have a great day! - Download ELSA Speak for free and get 7 days of pro membership for free: https://bit.ly/ELSAxIELTSSPEAKINGFORSUCCESS Get 40% off of one-year membership or 85% off of lifetime membership: https://elsaspeak.com/inf/IELTSSpeakingForSuccess/  Get exclusive episodes on IELTS Speaking parts 1, 2, and 3: https://fanlink.to/swipremium Transcript: https://successwithielts.com/s09e13 Our social media: https://linktr.ee/successwithielts © 2023 Success with IELTS