Between the Wars


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Bloody Brilliant Women, with Cathy Newman


In this episode we’ll meet Mary Allen, a woman who embodies so many of the tensions that animated British culture between the wars, Dora Russell, Naomi Mitchison, and Marie Stopes, amongst many others. Through their stories we’ll learn about the sexual freedom of the post-war period and how women played an essential role in the access of birth control, the creation of sexual health clinics, and how all of this played out during a time of great gender, class, and sexual tension between the wars. 'Bloody Brilliant Women: The Pioneers, Revolutionaries and Geniuses Your History Teacher Forgot to Mention' is available in paperback from Waterstones ( and Amazon ( ), audiobook ( and eBook ( from Apple Books. Cathy Newman (Twitter): @cathynewman Cathy Newman (Instagram): cathynewmanc4 William Collins: @WmCollinsBooks