Originally recorded 2019-Aug-08. This Episode marks twenty (That's 2-0!) years of ASO Radio. It seems like only two decades ago that I started this show, but it has actually been twenty years - who could have guessed? ^_- In that time we have reviewed every anime and Japanese video game ever made as well as the majority of manga, visual novels, light novels, and soundtrack CD's, with reviews of millions of comedic and dramatic audio programs on CD and digital as well. Or... that would be awesome if it were true. So until it is, we will continue to review media from Japanese popular culture. ...And hey, here's to another twenty years of ASO Radio! We hope you all shall join us on our continuing adventures in anime talk radio broadcasting! Anime Review: "Aggretsuko (Aggressive Retsuko)," "Aggretsuko - We Wish You a Metal Christmas," "Patema Inverted" Video Game Review: "Pushmo (3DS)" HotSpot: "Nz17's Trip to Japan in 2018"