Andrew Scala from JAM Hot Chicken


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Florida Foodie


A long-time food obsession became a business for Andrew Scala during the pandemic and now he’s getting ready to take that business to the next level. Scala is the owner of JAM Hot Chicken. The idea for JAM came from a trip to Los Angles. Scala’s brother brought him to Howlin' Rays, where he tried hot chicken for the first time. Like many people in the service industry, Scala found himself out of work when the pandemic hit. He had done one pop-up with JAM in 2019 and decided to try to make a go of the business while he was out of work. About a year later, later Scala signed a lease for a location in Winter Park’s Hannibal Square. In the latest episode of Florida Foodie, Scala talks more about building his business and getting ready to open up to customers. He also shares what goes into making a hot chicken sandwich and the spice levels people can expect to try.