This will be one of the only shows where you will get the facts unaltered without any of the politically correct non sense the left wing loonies love to throw at you. America in Crises will be tackling the issues facing this country from not only a bikers point of view but also an average everyday american Today we are going to lead off with the movement that has been plaging everyday law abiding citizens since wild willy came to office in 1992. That issue is GUN Control. Gun Control is the progressive looney lefts dream and one every law abiding american needs to join the fight in. Right now in my home state of Illinois the village of Deerfield passed an ordinance banning assault weapons. All weapons are to be removed from City Limits by June 13th of this year. Yes. We actually have a salvo fired by the Progressives in this state against law abiding gun owners. These progressives are actually being represented Pro Bono by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence (the “Brady Center