"Teenager Talk" on VALUE between Host Corey Gonzalez and Teenager Eva. Listen as they discuss stress over grades, school, trying your best, and not letting your grades or negative things define you for parents & teenagers.If you would like to share the Value Focused Podcast or have a question for us to answer visit valuefocusedpodcast.comLearn more about Eva on InstagramCorey Gonzalez (cg) is the host of the Value Focused Podcast and a Coach & Consultant to individuals, professionals, leaders, business owners, and brands helping them move forward and get to where they want to be. Corey wrote a book called Value Focused Life that will be out soon. You can learn more about him and what he does at Follow Corey on FacebookFollow Corey on InstagramFollow Corey on TwitterLearn more about Value Focused Life at valuefocusedlife.comSupport the show (