#8: Green JuJu Kitchens Product Review


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Pet Wellness Revolution


Today we are talking with Kelly Marian, Owner and Founder of Green Juju Kitchen. Kelley is the founder of Green Juju, a whole food supplement for dogs that uses ingredients like organic dark leafy greens, bone broth, coconut oil and turmeric. She created the first frozen supplement of it’s kind in the pet industry back in 2014. The inspiration for Green Juju came from her yellow lab, Bailey when she was diagnosed with cancer. She is now working hard to educate pet parents on the benefits of adding some life to the bowl.Links referred to during the show:http://greenjujukitchen.com/https://ivcjournal.com/using-naet-treat-animal-allergies/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16013542https://www.parsleypet.com/