5 Resolutions for Your Business


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Hustle With Purpose Podcast


It's already the second month of the year, but yet I'm here to have a conversation about "New Year's Resolutions". Though the word “resolution” may be triggering to some of you (including me), during the first month of the year, most of us are envisioning not just new years resolutions for ourselves but also for our business.In this week's episode, I'll be sharing five resolutions that you can make for your business to help accelerate your path to success this year.Episode Highlights:01:38 - Try something new or something you’ve been scared to do 03:20 - Evaluate what you’re currently doing and it’s ROI04:53 - Implement my 15 minute networking hack 07:05 - Develop a holistic content strategy 08:56 - Learn more about The Content Suite11:45 - Outsource or delegate tasks to accelerate growthAbout Your HostJacinta Gandy is passionate about small business and a champion of women’s entrepreneurship. She’s the founder of Social Circle, a full-service creative studio specializing in bold, beautiful branding and web design for driven women entrepreneurs.You can learn more about Jacinta at– socialcircleinc.com– Follow on IG at jacinta_gandyThank you for listening! Please subscribe, rate, and review the Hustle With Purpose Podcast on iTunes. Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated. For detailed show notes please go to socialcircleinc.com/podcast.