5-An Exercise To Properly Conduct Introspection.


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Mental Health Podcast


Fun fact: Your emotions always have a cause. Always. Your mental illness also has a root cause. In Mental Health this is extremely important to know, because an emotion we understand is an emotion we can process.  Official website: https://GeorgeAlonso.com As counter-intuitive as it may sound, our emotions are backed by logic, and always operate on a cause-and-effect principle. We are used to think that emotions come out of nowhere, and in this ignorance we also assume they will go away on their own. Or even worse, we allow emotions to influence our behavior. But with this basic exercise you will understand why you feel the way you feel, and you will use this wisdom to get to the cause of your emotional conflict, including anxiety and depression. It's a basic exercise that will help you gain control of your mind and your emotions.  Check out my website if you want to take my courses or enroll into my one-on-one mindfulness program to defeat mental illness. Please be sure to send me your questions and suggestions to george@georgealonso.com and I will be happy to address them. #anxiety #depression #mentalhealth #mentalillness #OCD #PTSD #trauma #abuse #survivors #bipolar #mindfulness #mindful #georgealonso #george #alonso #wisdom