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Teresa Torres teaches an approach to product creation and creative work that will help you think more clearly, make better decisions, and raise the odds your bets will pay off. She's the author of the new book, Continuous Discovery Habits.-----Follow the MTTM journey on Twitter or LinkedIn!If you haven't already, would you do me a favor and take ~40 seconds to rate/review the show on Apple Podcasts? It really helps. (Scroll to bottom of page for rate/review links.)Links & resources mentionedTeresa Torres - website, @ttorresNew book: Continuous Discovery HabitsProduct Talk membership programProduct Talk Academy (courses)People & orgsHope GurionAsh MauryaTom ChiRelated episodes#27 Hope Gurion: What nobody told you about being a product leaderBooksDecisive - Chip & Dan HeathPeak - Anders EricssonHow We Think - John DeweyTesting Business Ideas, David BlandThinking in Bets, Annie DukePolarity ManagementOther resources mentionedHow to know if you're interviewing at a product-led companyBusiness Model CanvasLean CanvasLEANSTACKHuman Centered DesignStanford Symbolic SystemsExplore / exploit - how to choose new opportunities