374-Time Travel


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Health & Fitness

While time-travel, as depicted in Back To The Future, may still be some ways off, in a sense we all take part in some approximation of time-travel everyday. In fact, it is a very healthy exercise in our organizations to occasionally roll-back the clock to examine aspects in the past (How did we solve that problem? What can we learn from that incident that we can benefit from in the future? etc) as well as to envision how things may come to be in the future (If we had twice as many residents, what would need to change in our processes? What kinds of teams will we need to address anticipated changes in healthcare in 10 years? etc). That said, it is most important to realize that the most critical time-travel is the NOW. After all, the present only stays the present for an instant. Time is traveling under our feet every instant of the day. Therefore, what can we be doing now, given learnings from the past and visions of the future to make the most of RIGHT NOW?