32. Are you missing these essentials? 20 key elements you can't afford to miss in your website builds (part 1/2)


Listens: 94

Women Wealth Wordpress


In this episode of Women, Wealth, Wordpress, I dive into the essential elements that you might be missing in your website build process. From hosting to software and everything in between, I break down 10 key aspects that can make a significant impact on the success of your websites, and business. 

The first half of the episode focuses on hosting, where I discuss the potential issues with shared cloud servers and the importance of having regular backups saved in multiple locations. I also highlight the significance of increasing the memory limit for better website performance and compatibility with high-quality software.

Moving on to software, I delve into the importance of configuring SMTP for secure mail transfer, ensuring that emails are delivered successfully. I also touch on the significance of image optimization to enhance site speed and user experience, as well as the importance of spam filtering to protect your website from unwanted solicitations.

From there, we move into the build, and discuss one page I always see forgotten about! 

See you next week for part two. 


Designer, developer, creative, VA, freelancer or marketing professional? Women Wealth WordPress is for you.

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