3.11 Bitcoin ecosystem is debasing the social order


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Islamic Finance Podcast with Almir Colan

Religion & Spirituality

Good money and a good financial system need two things: 1] Collective cooperation that disincentivises the debasement of the currency. 2] Social order to prevent harm. Today, unfortunately, governments are debasing our money, but the Crypto ecosystem is debasing the social order. No one should be in the business of making money from making money. The creation of money should be done for the public good and not for profit. -- Almir Colan's "Bitcoin 101" YouTube course is available at: https://bit.ly/30BZuOq   Join Islamic Finance Podcast Telegram Channel & Group Chat *Official Channel (announcements, episode updates, reminders) Join here: https://t.me/IslamicFinancePodcast *Group Chat (Chat is a space to discuss all things related to Islamic finance) Chat link: https://t.me/joinchat/8OiQRcWzbe9iMmZl   Don’t forget to rate our podcast *5 stars* wherever you listen to us! Podcast Hosted by Almir Colan - https://www.almircolan.com Links for Telegram channel and social media available at https://www.islamicfinancepodcast.com/pages/connect Almir's Youtube channel available at https://www.youtube.com/almircolan Connect with us: Be part of the conversation and keep in touch with us to find out about new episodes and other content. Web: www.islamicfinancepodcast.com Social media: - YouTube - Facebook (public page) - Facebook (group) - Twitter - Instagram