2021.10.10 Joe Helg (FAITH: Tried & Tested - Toughened & Triumphant)


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Grace Christian Church Sermons

Religion & Spirituality

Today we’re going to look at a man referred to in Gal 3:9 as the ‘Man of Faith’ (Abraham). he is acknowledged as the patriarch of Israel and one who had the righteousness of God imputed to him because of faith in the one true God.  We read in Hebrews 11:17-19 of a specific event that he is commonly associated with… so as we continue our study in the 'Faith Hall of Fame' - we are going to be referring back to this account as recorded in Genesis 22. The focus today isn’t solely upon Abraham's display of faith, but also the SOURCE of his faith that enabled him to carry out what was asked of him.  So join us today as we go through "FAITH: Tried & Tested – Toughened & Triumphant." Have a blessed day Saints!! to watch the whole service click the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SlwYY7moqA&t=3320s