Religion & Spirituality
Today we 'close out' our study in Jonah… as we see more of God in his dealing with those who know him (Jonah), those who don’t know him (the sailors) and most amazingly those who are known to have nothing to do with Him at all (Nineveh). The greatness of His patience, the wonder of His love, and the extent of His grace are all exemplified in Jonah’s account and what’s more, reaches even further when we’re given an insight to God’s reasoning for His persistence. So, regardless of the context of our various circumstance we need to take a step back and filter our feelings, our thoughts, and our circumstances through the truths of God’s word, by the unction of the Holy Spirit, and with our eyes on the Lord Jesus -- otherwise our feelings will run away with us; our arguments will steel themselves within us, and the bitterness that may have began as a ‘seed’ will be used by the enemy to grow it into full blown defiance. Thus in the final message from Jonah, let us look at "God’s Grace Upon Him" by comparing "God’s Reasoning to Jonah’s Feelings" to watch the whole service just click the link: Have a blessed day brothers & sisters!!