Society & Culture
I am so happy I get to bring you all a conversation with a dear Mentor of mine, who has influenced my ideas on success and happiness more than any other thinker in the personal development space – and that is Dr. Srikumar
Rao. His ideas are deep and unconventional, but once you absorb the full power of his words, they are sure to transform the way you think and behave.
Dr. Rao holds a Ph.D. from Columbia Business School, and his courses have been among the most popular and highest-rated at many of the world’s top business schools. His work has been covered extensively by major media worldwide. He is the creator of the powerful best-selling course: Creativity and Personal Mastery. He is also an author of multiple best-selling books, including his most recent book that we dive into on this episode –
Modern Wisdom. Ancient Roots – in which he distills the wisdom of ancient masters into strategies that you and I can apply to succeed in work and in life.
Learn more about Srikumar Rao here:
Learn more about the Host, Bhavna Toor here: