1. Missing: Tracy Pickett


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The True Crime Club

True Crime

** NEW UPLOAD SCHEDULE** The True Crime Club has moved to Sundays! Check back every other Sunday for an episode by The True Crime Club.On August 11th, 1992, another summer day was in full swing for the Pickett girls and their mother, Kay. That warm day they took a trip to the grocery store to pick up a few things. While there, Tracy, the youngest of the Pickett sisters, ran into one of her friends who she hadn’t seen what felt like forever for the 14-year-old. The two giddy girls chatted amongst themselves for a while, eventually approaching Kay to ask if Tracy could spend the night at the other girl’s house. Tracy’s mother didn’t see how she could say no as the girls hadn’t seen each other in a while, and she figured that they couldn’t get into that much trouble since the other girl’s parents would be supervising them.The events of the night of August 11th and the following morning of the 12th are not reported on clearly, leaving a lot to speculation, but at some point the next morning around 10 am, Tracy left in a black van with someone who had been at the friend’s house that night. She was supposed to return to her home to retrieve a change of clothes and head back to the friend’s house. However, this isn’t what happened; after Tracy left that morning, she hasn’t been seen since, and to this day, 28 years later, what happened to Tracy has yet to be revealed.If you know anything regarding Tracy Pickett’s case, you are encouraged to contact the Joplin Police Department at 417-623-3131.WHERE CAN YOU FIND US?INSTAGRAM: @thetruecrimeclubWEBSITE: thetruecrimeclub.comSOURCES:https://www.namus.gov/MissingPersons/Case#/6527?navhttps://charleyproject.org/case/tracy-a-picketthttps://unidentified.wikia.org/wiki/Tracy_Picketthttps://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/mo-tracy-pickett-14-webb-city-12-aug-1992.111608/page-2https://www.ark.org/offender-search/index.php?do:getById=1&id=5433492&x=2ca83d9e-9253-4ba9-a566-5ff49637952dhttps://www.newspapers.com/image/207850811/?terms=%22tracy%20pickett%22&match=1https://charleyross.wordpress.com/tag/tracy-pickett/https://www.joplinmo.org/DocumentCenter/View/5563/Tracy-Pickett-Release-8-8-16?bidId=https://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-10th-circuit/1877108.htmlhttps://www.joplinglobe.com/news/local_news/family-still-struggles-with-joplin-girls-disappearance-24-years-ago/article_d4996c7b-1b75-58f5-b1e0-c1fcad549e22.htmlhttps://www.ozarksfirst.com/local-news/police-continue-their-26-year-long-search-for-tracy-pickett/Tracy Pickett - YouTubewww.youtube.com › watchhttps://www.joplinglobe.com/news/local_ne