053: Keeping Your Podcast Fresh and Why It's Important


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Wild Home Podcast

Society & Culture

How often do you actually look at your podcast description, cover art, categories and more? It might be time for a Podcast Refresh!   In this episode, I’m sharing why it’s important to keep your podcast fresh and how making updates can impact and improve your podcast. I share how it’s natural to grow and evolve and you can change anything at any time! Be sure to listen through the end for how you can do you own audit and how to sign up for the Wild Home Podcasting Podcast Refresh service.   What’s in this Episode Why it’s important to keep it fresh What you can update today How to do your own Podcast Audit All about our Podcast Refresh service   For full show notes and a transcript of today’s episode, head to wildhomepodcasting.com/podcast/053   Ready to podcast? Take my free assessment today at wildhomepodcasting.com/ready and connect with me on Instagram @wildhomepodcasting for podcasting insights and tips.