#009: New Year Special | Kindness and Gratitude | It's a Wonderful Life (Frank Capra)


Listens: 101

Cinema, My Child, and Me

Kids & Family

In this episode of Cinema, My Child, and Me, Abhinav and Shibangi talk about themes such as kindness and gratitude, the value of the simple life, role of individual in a community and many more in the simply brilliant It's a Wonderful Life, directed by Frank Capra.

The episode contains some spoilers as the hosts share:

A summary of It's a Wonderful Life and their personal impressions of the film; their favourite themes from the movie; technical highlights; the standout scenes of their choice; some discussion ideas which the listeners can use to engage in with their children; some movies based on similar themes (Visit their website to understand their work).

Thanks to our young listeners for providing us with tracks for use in the podcast.

Introduction Music - Arkansh Pandey (10) on the clarinet

Episode Opening Music - Idhya Shailabh (10) on the piano and Idhaansh Shailabh Pandey (6) on the violin

Closing Music - Drishaan Pandey (7) on the piano

Cover Art created on canva.com

Episode Art created on canva.com (Film images taken from google.com)

Podcast hosted on Hubhopper Studio