008 - Finding your niche, with the Empath Queen - Isabel Hundt


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Online Footprint Project


HUGE Thank you for tuning in, and welcome to the Online Footprint Project podcast!   Today's guest, Isabel Hundt, is a successful public speaker, a certified Transformation Coach who works with Empaths and Empath-Warriors™, an Emotions Clearing Practitioner and the published author of "The Power of Faith-Driven Success". Her work has been featured on TV shows, radio and well-known podcasts like EOFire, She Did It Her Way, and, Join Up Dots.   ONLINE FOOTPRINT PROJECTA daily, live video podcast, interviewing successful entrepreneurs from around the world. Asking questions during the show, is the easiest way for you to reach industry leaders, to find out how they got to where they are today. To watch the video version of this episode, we can be found here:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChoDRqYJ7CNrKGn-Gpj0sewTo watch the show live, join the: Online Footprint Project, Facebook group.https://www.facebook.com/groups/nicheentrepreneur/ I can be found on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ross-mcfarlane/ Twitter:www.twitter.com/rossmack88